What to expect of the second day of our annual event? Over recent years we have all witnessed the European label landscape ebb and flow in consolidation terms.
Smaller owner-managed businesses have become larger domestic players, which in turn; have grown into international groups and then onto multi-continental organisations. Whilst some familiar names have been seen there are new investors and terms such and “Private Equity” and “SPAC”. Confusing for some, fearful for others they are a new disruptive dynamic in the M&A space.
As we come through the last 18 months of a pandemic as an industry we have shown huge resilience and stability by enlarge and this has been recognised as an attractive investment opportunity. Whilst M&A was suppressed in 2020 a flurry of activity is expected in 2021/2022 in the UK, across Europe and further afield.
What to expect of day 2?
For anyone wanting to gain a clearer perspective on what the consolidated landscape may look like or just interested in what “ticks the boxes” for sale if you’re considering divestiture; this is time well spent to hear and challenge two of the most notable deal advisors and investors in the Narrow Web industry over recent years. With an active panel discussion and online questions we will cover all aspects of the road through acquisition from Owner to Operator; how it effects the culture, performance, investment profile and long term security of any business through this transition. Nick and Norman will guide us through this and give their perspectives on what drives a successful M&A strategy for both sides of the deal.
Make sure to register for our 5-day event from 31 May to 4 June from 14.30 - 17.30 CET via europeanlabelforum.com